Call for Papers
October 26, 2021. As part of MICAI 2021. Mexico City, MEXICO.
Computational Intelligence (CI) paradigms have become a key factor in the resurgence of Artificial Intelligence which is now part of the daily life. Therefore, basic and applied CI research have substantially grown and more spaces for discussion on these topics are required.
The aim of this workshop is to put together researchers, practitioners, students and those interested in presenting novel findings and applications related to computational intelligence techniques. The workshop also looks to be a mean to establish possible collaborations among the attendants.
Interested authors are invited to submit original papers including novel CI research and findings. The topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- Statistical Learning
- Automatic Image Processing
- Intelligent Agents / Multi Agent Systems
- Evolutionary Computing
- Swarm Intelligence
- Combinatorial and Numerical Optimization
- Parallel and Distributed Computing in Computational Intelligence
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CFP in Easychair
Submission details
Papers must be written in English using LNCS Springer style, at most 8 pages. Submissions will be received by the Easy Chair system.
Accepted papers will be included for oral presentation at the workshop and included in the proceedings.
IPN-RCS journal is a possible (not secure yet) option for publication.
Extended versions of selected papers will be invited to a special issue of the journal Programación Matemática y Software (, indexed in Latindex.
Important Dates extended
Efrén Mezura-Montes
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AIRI), University of Veracruz (UV)
Héctor-Gabriel Acosta-Mesa
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (AIRI), University of Veracruz (UV)